Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Digidesign ProTools Instructors Summit

Pinewood studios last week played host to the 2008 Avid / Digidesign ProTools Instructors Summit.

36 Pro Tools instructors from across Europe gathered to learn about new products, exchange stories and ideas, discuss production techniques, develop their skills as Digidesign Certified Instructors (DCI’s) and, er, go to the pub. In addition to the drinking games, the summit also included train-the-trainer courses led by 3 Expert Instructors, and masterclass demonstrations by industry gurus. Don Mitchell and Graham Deas from the CCI represented Adam Smith College’s own ProTools Pro School.

Recently, 3 HND Sound Production students Elaine Paton, Travis Whalley and Chloe Milne passed their ProTools 201 exam, the highest level yet achieved by students while still attending the college.