Saturday, 17 November 2007

Good food show

ASC staff attended the BBC's "Good food show" at the SECC Glasgow, over the weekend of the 2-4th Nov 2007. Hospitality lecturer Chef Eadie Manson was demoing cooking techniques on the College "Scottish Asian" themed stand, supported by multimedia provided by staff members Kevin Clark, Alan Moffat, Pol Clementsmith and Jim Burgess, as well as current and ex students of the Creative Industries: TV course. The event was very busy and a resounding success, apart from the increased staff waistlines after eating all the fantastic dishes. The picture shows lecturer Chef Eadie Manson, with Indian chef Prem Singh and hospitality student Chris Ritchie from Fraserburgh.

1 comment:

pols said...

yes a very interesting and stimulating few days in the shadow of some of the country's top chefs (no names menshied) our lads & lasses held up their ends very well - and the collaborative demonstrations between Prem and Eadie where very successful. curry for breakfast lunch and dinner - mmm... lovely!